Muscle Pain: How to Get Rid of it?


muscle pain

They say pain is a good sign as the brain initiates repair mechanisms for healing the affected area. For instance, experts say that a person who doesn’t undergo pain before a heart attack is more likely to die than a person who can feel the pain. Well, that’s indeed true. However, body pain is of different types and can be categorized depending on a number of factors.

Let’s talk about muscle pain. Almost everyone has sore and aching muscles every now and then. Muscle pain, also commonly referred to as myalgia, can range from mild to excruciating depending on a number of factors like illness, surgery, bone injuries, burns or cuts, and the like. Also, muscle pain can be acute or chronic. Chronic muscle pain conditions are also referred to as fibromyalgia, more common in women.

Muscle pain generally affects areas like neck, back, calf and groin. Due to straining activities, the soft tissues in our body like the ligaments and tendons get damaged, as a result of which we experience from wrist, knee and other joint pains.

Muscle pain can occur for a number of reasons-

·       Physical exercises like gym, sports, etc strain your muscles resulting in sore cramps;
·       Overusing the muscles for any physical activity can also lead to muscle pain;
·       Infections such as flu or common cold are also some common causes;
·       Like viral infections, bacterial infections can also cause sore and aching muscles;
·       Muscle injury is another common cause.

Steps to avoid muscle pain-

As the saying goes, prevention is indeed better than cure.

·       One should exercise regularly to keep your muscles toned and active;
·       One should do proper warm up before starting one’s daily routine of workout;
·       One should avoid over-exercising as it can strain your muscles and the soft tissues can be damaged;
·       One should also drink lots of water to keep oneself sufficiently hydrated;
·       One should stretch regularly after waking up in the morning and before going to work;
·       One’s sitting and standing posture can also affect muscle health to a great extent.

Steps to get rid of muscle pain-

·       Avoid unnecessary movements with the affected part of the muscle. Say, you are suffering from back pain. It is advisable not to bend down and stress your back. It can further elevate the pain;
·       One should also not carry out heavy or strenuous activities for the time being;
·       One can apply an ice pack in the affected area for immediate relief;
·       Along with that, one can also do some gentle stretching exercises;
·       Apart from that one can go for pain relief treatments like applying ointments or taking pain relief meds like Soma and Tramadol, the ultimate pain relievers.

Soma and Tramadol are prescribed pain medicatons which are known to provide instant pain relief. While Soma (Carisoprodol) is suitable for acute and mild pain, Tramadol is suitable for moderate to moderately severe pain. Also, it is recommendable for both acute and chronic pain. The Soma pill basically works at the spinal cord level and tends to block out the painful sensations between the brain and the nerves. Tramadol is considered to be a faster and more effective pain killer, which starts to work within an hour and a half after its intake.
It is highly advisable that you take these effective pain relieving medications only as per your doctor’s guidelines. Make sure to disclose any sort of medical history or current medication you have.The doctor will prescribe you a dose depending upon your health condition and the capacity to tolerate these pain drugs.


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