Nuvigil: For a Head-on Focus at Work


 Most of the time we fall asleep in the middle of our work- either knowingly or unknowingly. Do you know that it can be a major symptom of a sleep disorder? If such fatigue and sleepiness occur only once in a while, then it is not a big deal. But if such sleepiness persists, it can prove to be quite troublesome for our health- especially, cognitive health. Smart drugs like Nuvigil have been developed specially to fight such feelings of exhaustion. A single popping of a pill can help you to stay awake for long hours and at the same time, improve your cognition too!

Commonly known as a powerful smart pill, Nuvigil belongs to the family of eugeroic smart drugs. It helps in promoting wakefulness and boosting up energy levels- so that you can easily wriggle out of fatigue and excessive sleep. It is a smart brand version of Armodafinil smart drug. The Food and Drug Administration approved the use of this smart pill way back in 2007. Due to its immense popularity and proven efficiency, you can also find Nuvigil online in many medical stores today.
Let us now look into the working of this smart drug in promoting an active brain health.

What is Nuvigil used for?

Nuvigil has a number of clinical uses in the treatment of sleep disorders. It acts as an aid in promoting mental wakefulness and alertness in people suffering from narcolepsy (excessive daytime sleepiness) and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The smart drug basically helps in driving away the exhaustiveness associated with such sleep disorders- and in its place, promotes a sound and clear mind.

This smart pill can also be used in the treatment of shift-work sleep irregularity. It helps in regulating the shift-work sleep cycle by promoting the required energy at the right time. However, it should be noted that you must not take the Nuvigil doses to hold off sleep.

Many a times, Nuvigil is also used for the treatment of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) as it can enhance attention span in individuals. It is mostly used as an alternative when the person has already grown tolerant to other ADHD medications.

How does Nuvigil work?

The smart drug works by exciting certain neurons in the brain pathways. It mainly targets dopamine and histamine levels in our brain- which are mainly responsible for causing wake-promotion and energy. Nuvigil blocks the dopamine receptors, inhibiting the nerves from taking up dopamine. It also increases histaminic levels in the hypothalamus of the brain. This way, the inactive regions of the brain get activated and the person tends to feel more wakeful.  

Nuvigil dosage:

Nuvigil 150 mg is the normally recommended dose for everyone. Its effects can last for up to 15 hours approximately.

·         An ideal way to take Nuvigil is once in the early morning for narcolepsy and sleep apnea.

·         If you have any shift work sleep irregularity, then take the prescribed dose 1 hour prior to shift work.
·         Try to make sure that you take the dose at the prescribed time every day. Do not change your dose timings frequently without your doctor’s approval.

·         You must avoid taking alcohol or other such sedatives while you are on Nuvigil dosage. Or else, it can reduce the effectiveness of the smart drug.

Always take smart pills as per your doctor’s prescription instructions only. Never take these medications for any recreational purpose.


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