Fight Daytime Sleepiness with Provigil

Sleep disorder is a condition in which a person is unable to get proper sleep on regular basis. Sleep is vital for the overall health of an individual and proper functioning of the body. There are various reasons for which a person is unable to get a good night’s sleep such as stress, outer environmental factors, etc. This, in turn, leads to extreme daytime sleepiness, fatigue and other health condition which affects a person’s mental health and his overall growth and development MORE ABOUT PROVIGIL Provigil is useful in treating excessive sleep disorders like sleep apnea, narcolepsy, shift work sleep disorder. Those people who have difficulty sleeping at night and get up in the morning exhausted, Provigil is a solution to help them keep awake during the day and continue their work smoothly without any obstacles. This smart drug also keeps the mind alert and improve the power of concentration. For the persons suffering from shift work sleep disorder, Provigil works by ...